Women Empowerment & Boudoir photography

Hellooooo, Goddesses, or Queen? Or how about just "insert your name here"?

For so long, we have had to follow what society has told us is "beautiful". WELL, it's time to break that narrative and stand tall as women and do magical things in this world!

For years, I have been dreaming of doing Boudoir Photography around the world, and in February, it finally became a reality as we hosted the first Mind.Body.Soul Retreat in Costa Rica. It was the most magical thing I have ever been a part of and now it's your turn!

If you are wanting to experience the Ultimate Luxury Boudoir Experience in Paradise all while being with like-minded women, this is the retreat for you!

You will be immersed in this magical place and leave refreshed, renewed, and leave with breathtaking photos that couldn't ever be curated here in Canada!

Andrea and Krista (creators of this retreat) have dreamed up a week that is centered around the divine feminine power and goddesses that we all represent! Our minds, our bodies, and our souls are what make us up as women and we intend to celebrate all of it for an entire week-long (7 days and 7 nights) at the beautiful.

We will be located in

Punta Cocles, Limón, Costa Rica

Our days will be filled with all things goddess!

Our Mission is to provide a space of unconditional love and acceptance.

Meet Krista

Your Retreat Host and Yoga/Meditation Instructor

Hi! My name is Krista Critchley. I was born in Edmonton Alberta and have called Costa Rica my home for the past 2 years.

My greatest Passions are bringing people together, sharing the gift of ceremony with CACAO and Music, sharing amazing food, and creating spaces for others to experience this self-transformation and growth. I came to Costa Rica for the first time in 2018 for my Yoga Teacher Training and this was the catalyst that has taken me on a journey through self-discovery, connection to nature, deep transformation, and love.

I now live in the Diamante Valley working with amazing communities focused on the regeneration of our earth, planting food, and living in harmony with mother earth and one another. I am so grateful for all this beautiful place has taught me and it is my mission to share these teachings with all the beautiful people of this World!

Love is the answer and together we can do anything!!



Meet Andrea

Your Retreat Host and Boudoir Photographer

A Boudoir Experience with me is about celebrating you...it's about a day where you can explore the incredible woman you are, without judgment or expectations. I'm a mother of 3, a wife, and I'm a woman who understands what it's like to look in the mirror and disapprove of that reflection: to have kind words one day for me and self-sabotaging the next. I have ENDURED. I have OVERCAME. I am a WARRIOR.

I am the trusting friend that you can turn to. When you wanna feel like you belong, I am here. I have found such peace within this life-changing career. I feel myself the most when capturing everyday women and showing them they are "oh so worthy" of this experience. Boudoir is so much more than the photos, it's a snapshot in time to celebrate the beautiful soul you are and to remember YOU exactly the way you are. I can't wait to meet you in your Self-Love journey!



Meet Mia

Retreat Massage therapist/cook

My name is Mia, originally from the Czech Republic. I am living in Costa Rica for over two years. I am the co-creator of the Third Eye Tea House. My passion is to create spaces and events for people, celebrations, sacred art geometry, and intuitive bodywork.

I am a massage therapist trained in Abdominal massage, Thai massage, and Craniosacral therapy. I am working with my intuition during sessions and bodywork.

I am also an artist and create intentional sacred art geometry paintings.

Our retreat will be held at:

Gigi Brown Beach Villa Frida

Welcome to Gigi Brown Villa Frida Puerto Viejo, where luxury meets nature. This ecologically-minded houses will make you feel like you’ve stepped back and invite you to be a part of the jungle and its wildlife. On 2.5 hectares of land. Reconnect with nature and explore the Afrocostarican and indigenous cultures.

Punta Cocles, Limón, Costa Rica

The Caribbean coast of Costa Rica is home to the most

beautiful beaches in the whole country. This coastal town

provides a relaxed ambient, native roots, and a vibe

that lures backpackers and surfers all year long.

What will your days look like?

Every day there will be private Boudoir photoshoots happening at the retreat space either in the am or at sunset. Each woman has this included in the retreat pricing.

Day 1 - Arrival day (San Jose, Costa Rica. March 3rd-4th (Retreat opens March 4th)

- Arrive in the Caribbean in Costa Rica (March 4th anytime)

- Relax, and enjoy the Beach and Private pool

~ Get cozy in your space and explore the property

- 6 pm Dinner

- Opening Circle and Orientation

Day 2 Wind day March 5

7 am - Sunrise Yoga (optional)

7 am ~ Private Shoot

9 am - Breakfast

10 am - Embodying your Goddess - Intention setting

12 noon - Lunch

2-4 pm Massages (optional)

6 pm - Dinner

Day 3 Earth day March 6

7 am - Sunrise Yoga or mediation (optional)

7 am ~ Private shoot

9 am - Breakfast

10 am - Inner Child healing Workshop

12 noon - Lunch

2 pm ~ Sound Bath Journey

Sunset ~ Private Shoot

6 pm - Dinner

Day 4 Fire Day March 7

7 am - Sunrise Yoga or mediation (optional)

7 am ~ Private Shoot

9 am - Breakfast

10 am - Chocolate-making workshop

12 noon - Lunch

4 pm Sunset Fire release and Cacao Ceremony

6 pm - Dinner

8 pm ~ Ecstatic Dance Journey

Day 5 Water Day March 8

7 am - Sunrise Yoga or mediation (optional)

7 am ~ Private shoot

830 am - Breakfast

930 - Waterfall adventure

12 noon - packed lunch at the waterfall

2 pm - Pictures at the waterfall

6 pm - Dinner

Day 6. Spirit day March 9

7 am - Sunrise Yoga or mediation (optional)

9 am - Breakfast

10 am - Yoni painting (optional)

12 noon - Lunch

6 pm - Dinner

Sunset ~ Private Shoot

Day 7 - Goddess day March 10

8 am Breakfast

Packed Lunches for Guests

Explore Day/Beach Day

8 pm Closing Celebration and Sharing

Day 8 ~ Final Day

Light Breakfast

Travel Back to San Jose

Fly Home

* Private photoshoots will be booked for sunrise or sunset

* Massages can be booked during free time

Our little goddess Paradise Retreat is awaiting YOU!

This Retreat takes care of all your needs!

~ Sleep Accommodations for our retreat space for 7 days 7 nights in beautiful Costa Rica

~ All meals provided by our Private Vegetarian Chef/Catered meals/Packed Lunches

~Any time we travel to a waterfall or beach, transportation is provided

~ Luxury Private Boudoir Shoot (10 images included)

~ 50% Off of your collection of choice. YOU decide how you want to remember this experience.

~ Group photo sessions (All images included)

~ Our private pool is open all day/night for your enjoyment

~ Massage day for all retreat guests

~ Group Sound Journey Bath

~ Body image workshops

~ Yoni paint workshop guided by Andrea

~ Full moon cacao circle (March 7th)

~Week Long journey through all the elements of water, wind, fire, earth, and spirit

~ Daily Yoga, meditation, and movement classes

~ Inner child/trauma healing

~Embodyment of the divine feminine

~Guided journey through Ecstatic Dance

Our shared rooms & Queen suit

What does this retreat cost?

Everything mentioned above is included in this retreat experience and all activities are optional! No pressure, EVER!

We are staying in a gorgeous villa on the Caribbean side of Costa Rica with a private beach, pool, and close to some beautiful amenities. Flights are not included but are around $700+ CAD with return & tax ( I highly recommend getting your flight ASAP to avoid higher prices. We highly recommend flying in the day before as most flights into Costa Rica are in the late evening and we are about 4.5 hours from our Retreat location! Ideally, all women will arrive the evening before and we can arrange a shuttle for everyone on the Morning of March 4th. This is NOT included for the simple fact we are not sure when everyone is arriving but will help book them for you. Shuttles are typically $65USD ~ $80USD. WHEN LOOKING AT FLIGHTS, YOU WILL BE FLYING IN San Jose airport.

The cost of this retreat is $2333 USD. This is for a bed in a beautiful shared room with one other retreat guest or your bestie!!! The space has 5 bathrooms, so no worries about sharing with a bunch of women! Bed selection will be based on FCFS for booking. Some rooms are double beds and some have single beds but all are shared with 2 people and are all beautiful!

We have ONE room that is a private room, a private bathroom, and a deck that is $2888 USD. Please note that the bathtub area will be used for our private shoots ;)

All retreat guests will receive 10 images from your private session and then get 50% off the Boudoir collection of your choice. You can decide how you want to remember this experience with an album, wall art, or just digitals! See collections HERE

Payment options. ALL payment plan options require a $500 USD retainer to hold your spot.

~ Pay in FULL and save 10% OFFER EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 11th.

~ Pay half now and half by Febuary 1st 2023

~ 6 payments of $306USD (First payment no later than September 15th)

All funds are NON-REFUNDABLE

This includes deposits.

Spots can be transferred to approved applicants :)




We can't wait to share this amazing, body empowerment, uplifting and spiritual experience with you! We are talking about the ultimate Boudoir & Women empowerment Retreat!